As featured in the third installment of the highly acclaimed video game franchise “Metal Gear Solid”, the Snake Match 1911 is a exquisitely customized 1911 that was acquired by the main protagonist Naked Snake after losing his original standard issue M1911A1 early in the game.

When Snake was presented with this 1911, he was so impressed by the level of customization and workmanship that he went on for nearly 2 minutes during his codec conversation with weapons expert Sigint, detailing all the work that’s been performed on it, including:

  • Polished Feed Ramp

  • Reinforced Slide

  • Welded Frame Rail

  • Checkered Front Strap

  • Proprietary 3-Dot Sights

  • Ring Hammer

  • Pinned Rat Tail Grip Safety

  • Extended Slide Stop and Thumb Safety

  • Undercut Trigger Guard

  • Long Trigger

  • Beveled Magazine Well

  • Low Profile Magazine Release

  • Flat Mainspring Housing with custom machined patterns

  • Front Slide Serrations

In addition to the above, Snake added his own touch to the gun by carving a cutout on both grips to make gripping the gun while simultaneously holding a combat knife easier, a CQC technique he’d learned from his mentor- The Boss.

Other features present but not explicitly mentioned in the game include:

  • French cut above the slide serrations

  • Flat top

  • Ball radius on slide

  • Under trigger guard checkering

  • Finger rest cut out on right side of trigger guard

  • “NM 7267719” engraving

  • Extended and threaded barrel

  • Polished flat on slide

The original prototype gun was built by Mr. Tsuyoshi Yamada and Mr. Toru Matsushita of Sheriff Co. Ltd. (a high-end airsoft shop specializing in 1911s, now defunct), whom were commissioned by Konami to create a customized 1911 to be featured in the game as Snake’s sidearm.

Collector Design Werks is proud to announce its first venture into the 1911 platform by creating a live firing replica of the Snake Match 1911, as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3, to the exact appearance and specification as outlined in the game and to the original airsoft prototype. Please stay tuned for updates as we progress!